Sturm, R.R.SturmFrauenhoffer, F.F.FrauenhofferPodewils, M. vonM. vonPodewilsSchmalfuß, V.V.SchmalfußMönch, GeorgGeorgMönch2022-03-092022-03-091997 the course of the Smart Fabrication Flexible Fab project an approach has been developped which bases on an extensive literature research covering the subject of "Flexibility Quantification in Manufacturing Industries". This approach provides its user with the possibility of recording quantitatively the flexibility of a planned semiconductor manufacturing. It offers the possibility of flexibility measurement and analysis on different hierarchical levels such as machine-oriented, job shop-oriented, fab and enterprise-wide. A classification of substantial flexibility components has been effected. By definition different measures are merged within each class of flexibility, including a ranking. This article explains also the structure of a flexibility evaluation framework which contains all relevant flexibility classes and the frameworks' application on an analysis of various wafer fabrication process scenarios as well as enterprise organization scenarios. Consequently, the presented a pproach can be applied as a tool in oder to identify the most useful wafer fabrication scenario. In doing so an outlook shows in which way the flexibility framework combined with a cost tool can be applied in the course of the fabrication planning process.deFertigungFlexibilitätHalbleiterMessenperformance analysiswafer fabrication670Quantifizierung der FlexibilitätAn Approach to Quantification of Flexibility for Semiconductor Productionconference paper