CC BY 4.0Plötz, PatrickPatrickPlötzAndersson, MattsMattsAnderssonScherrer, AlineAlineScherrerJohansson, ErikErikJohansson2024-03-212024-04-042024-03-212024 of road transport is crucial to limit global warming. Battery electric vehicles (BEV) with stationary charging infrastructure have received considerable attention in the scientific literature for both cars and trucks, while dynamic charging via Electric Road Systems (ERS) has received much less attention and their future role in low-carbon road transport is uncertain. Here, we envision three potential scenarios for the future of ERS in European low-carbon transport. We sketch a potential European ERS network and discuss the political, technological, and market steps needed to realize these. We argue that existing field trials, tests, and research projects have collected sufficient evidence to make the next step: Decide and act. Decision-makers will never have perfect information about all aspects of ERS or competing technologies, but the urgency of the climate crisis requires a commitment one way or the other. A clear decision with respect to ERS would send a clear directive and would help focus time, effort, and money on the necessary infrastructure and policies to implement ambitious GHG abatement targets in road transport.enElectric road systemsEectric trucksCharging infrastructureThe possible future of electric road systems in Europe - time to decide and actjournal article