Pyttel, B.B.PyttelVarfolomeev, I.I.VarfolomeevSiegele, D.D.SiegeleBerger, C.C.Berger2022-03-112022-03-112010 German FKM-Guideline ""Fracture Mechanics Proof of Strength for Engineering Components"" has become an increasing interest for practical engineers in various industrial applications since its first release in 2001. In 2009 the 3rd revised edition in English and German was published. It describes basics for the integrity assessment of components with defects, such as cracks, subjected to static or cyclic loading and provides a step-by-step computational procedure. It allows the consideration of special effects at cyclic loading, mixed mode loading, dynamic (impact) loading, stress corrosion cracking and probabilistic aspects in fracture mechanics calculations. Twenty worked examples illustrate the application. The annexes contain for instance a compendium of material data and about 60 stress intensity factor and limit load solutions and some J-integrals. The procedures and solutions of the guideline are implemented in the computer program FracSafe, so they can be easily used. The paper gives an overview of the guideline.enguidelinefracture mechanics proof of strengthfailure assessment diagramfatigue crack growthintegrity assessment620FKM-guideline fracture mechanics proof of strength for engineering components - procedures, compendiums, examplesconference paper