Abdul Hamid, Z.M.Z.M.Abdul HamidFlorea, M.M.FloreaFliegener, S.S.FliegenerSchober, M.M.SchoberHohe, J.J.HoheRühe, J.J.Rühe2022-03-052022-03-052019https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/25470110.1002/adem.201800590Depreciation of natural resources leads to an increasing demand for sustainable materials. Fiber-reinforced plastics are known for combining low specific weight with high stiffness and toughness, making them the preferred material for the design of lightweight structures. However, one of the main problems with the use of this material is the limited recyclability of the material due to the necessity to split up the fiber and matrix composite into its constituents. Furthermore, the use recycled fibers require the use a recyclable sizing or alternatively, the cleaning, and re-application of new sizing to the fibers. The goal of this paper is to introduce a method to improve the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastic polymers through a re-usable chemical modification of the fiber-matrix interface by using adhesion promoting coatings. The surface reactions in this approach are suitable for a wide spectrum of matrix systems. In a second part of the pre sent paper, a characterization method for determination of the interface properties is suggested. For this purpose, micro tensile specimens are prepared and tested. The experiments are evaluated numerically using a finite element simulation based on 1:1 models of the specimens in conjunction with reverse engineering.en620Chemical modification of fiber-matrix interfaces of glass fiber reinforced thermoplastics and methods for interface characterizationjournal article