Araña, M.C.M.C.ArañaLahuerta, R.D.R.D.LahuertaCortella, L.R.X.L.R.X.CortellaMazzetto, M.M.MazzettoSoldera, M.M.SolderaLasagni, Andrés-FabiánAndrés-FabiánLasagniCestari, I.N.I.N.CestariCestari, I.A.I.A.Cestari2022-09-122022-09-122022 this work, we developed and tested an experimental apparatus to evaluate calcium fluctuations in cardiomyocytes derived from human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CM). The set-up is composed of a signal module for registration and analysis of the signals and a perfusion chamber. This chamber allows the maintenance of the cells, control of perfusion and temperature, and electric stimulation. The signal module consists of a CCD camera attached to a fluorescence microscope with the appropriate software and hardware for eliciting and recording fluorescent signals originating from hiPSC-CM intracellular Ca+2 concentration changes, under electrical stimulation. We employed this system for analysis of calcium fluctuation from hiPSC-CM cultivated on micro textured polyethylene terephthalate surfaces.enCalcium fluctuationsExperimental apparatusFluorescencehiPSC-CMSurface microtopographyExperimental Apparatus for Evaluation of Calcium Fluctuations in Cardiomyocytes Derived from Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cellsconference paper