Beauxis-Aussalet, EmmaEmmaBeauxis-AussaletBehrisch, MichaelMichaelBehrischBorgo, RitaRitaBorgoChau, Duen HorngDuen HorngChauCollins, ChristopherChristopherCollinsEbert, DavidDavidEbertEl-Assady, MennatallahMennatallahEl-AssadyEndert, AlexAlexEndertKeim, Daniel A.Daniel A.KeimKohlhammer, JörnJörnKohlhammerOelke, DanielaDanielaOelkePeltonen, JaakkoJaakkoPeltonenRiveiro, MariaMariaRiveiroSchreck, TobiasTobiasSchreckStrobelt, HendrikHendrikStrobeltWijk, Jarke J. vanJarke J. vanWijk2022-03-062022-03-062021 increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies across application domains has prompted our society to pay closer attention to AI's trustworthiness, fairness, interpretability, and accountability. In order to foster trust in AI, it is important to consider the potential of interactive visualization, and how such visualizations help build trust in AI systems. This manifesto discusses the relevance of interactive visualizations and makes the following four claims: i) trust is not a technical problem, ii) trust is dynamic, iii) visualization cannot address all aspects of trust, and iv) visualization is crucial for human agency in AI.envisualizationartificial intelligence (AI)Lead Topic: Visual Computing as a ServiceResearch Line: Computer graphics (CG)Research Line: Human computer interaction (HCI)Research Line: Machine Learning (ML)visualizationExplainable AIinteractive machine learningtrustworthy AI006The Role of Interactive Visualization in Fostering Trust in AIjournal article