Meyer, J.J.Meyer2022-03-082022-03-082007 - The apparatus for the measurement of cells, by the patch clamp method, has a flat array of micro dishes (1) to hold the cells (2). A second number of micro pipettes (3) are positioned in relation to the dishes, to simultaneously investigate the cells. DETAILED DESCRIPTION - The layout of the micro dishes match the micro pipettes, in a small screen size in at least one direction. The dishes and pipettes can be offset to the side, in relation to each other, to give a repeated and simultaneous study of the cells. A micro motor positions and/or displaces the micro pipettes and micro dishes in relation to each other. The assembly has a cell feed and/or a flushing system to remove the cells. A filter (4) is at the rear side of the micro dish assembly. USE - The patch clamp method is for the measurement of bio-electric signals, from the electric potential within a cell, and an ion transport process by the ion channels as current through the cell membrane. It is used in neuro science s to research the effects of pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy on the activity of the ion channels. ADVANTAGE - The system, using the patch clamp method, allows the study of a number of cells simultaneously, in an automated operation, without microscopic control. The cells are within the smallest space possible for patch clamp measurements in the shortest times.de608610620Zur Zelluntersuchung mit Hilfe der Patch Clamp-Methode bestimmte Vorrichtung und VerfahrenPatch clamp cell measurement apparatus, has an array of micro dishes containing cells, and an assembly of micro pipettes with relative movements between them.patent1997-19744649