Preiser, K.K.PreiserRössler, EberhardEberhardRösslerStraub, P.P.Straub2022-03-082022-03-081993 the last few years the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (FhG-ISE) in Freiburg has supplied a couple of remote houses with continuous 23OV AC power. The experiences with these installations influenced the described photovoltaic demonstration project which has been supported by the Commission of the European Communities (DG XVII). A major improvement is the use of an advanced version of the FHG-ISE inverter, leading to a significantly simplified overall installation. In this presentation three examples with different requirements are shown: One is "Bognago", a little village in the Italian Alps. Another one is the "Rotwandhaus", a house of the Deutscher Alpenverein (German Alpine Association) where the combination of a wind generator with a photovoltaic installation is presented. The last project is the "House Langer" where a comparison between two different battery technologies is made. These investigations, supported by the BMFT, lead to conclusions on the suitability o f the two battery technologies used for supplying power to remote areas.enBatterievergleichbattery comparisonBognagoHaus Langerhouse Langerinverternetzfernes Hausproceeded DC/DC-converterremote houseRotwandhausvorgeschalteter DC/DC-WandlerWechselrichter621697Photovoltaic system for remote housesconference paper