Eisenlohr, JohannesJohannesEisenlohrBenick, JanJanBenickPeters, M.M.PetersBläsi, BenediktBenediktBläsiGoldschmidt, Jan ChristophJan ChristophGoldschmidtHermle, MartinMartinHermle2022-03-042022-03-042014https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/23544010.1364/oe.22.00a111Enhanced absorption of near infrared light in silicon solar cells is important for achieving high conversion efficiencies while reducing the solar cell's thickness. Hexagonal gratings on the rear side of solar cells can achieve such absorption enhancement. Our wave optical simulations show photocurrent density gains of up to 3 mA/cm2 for solar cells with a thickness of 40 µm and a planar front side. Hexagonal sphere gratings have been fabricated and optical measurements confirm the predicted absorption enhancement. The measured absorption enhancement corresponds to a photocurrent density gain of 1.04 mA/cm2 for planar wafers with a thickness of 250 µm and 1.49 mA/cm2 for 100 µm.enSolarzellen - Entwicklung und CharakterisierungSilicium-PhotovoltaikFarbstoffOrganische und Neuartige SolarzellenAlternative Photovoltaik-TechnologienOberflächen - KonditionierungPassivierungLichteinfangPhotonenmanagementIndustrielle und neuartige SolarzellenstrukturenNeuartige Konzeptetrappinggratings621Hexagonal sphere gratings for enhanced light trapping in crystalline silicon solar cellsjournal article