Noborio, M.M.NoborioGrieb, M.M.GriebBauer, A.J.A.J.BauerPeters, D.D.PetersFriedrichs, P.P.FriedrichsSuda, J.J.SudaKimoto, T.T.Kimoto2022-03-042022-03-042011 this paper, we have investigated reliability of n- and p-type 4H-SiC(0001) metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices with N2O-grown oxides and deposited oxides annealed in N2O. From the results of time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) tests, it is revealed that the N 2O-grown oxides have relatively-high reliability (4-30Ccm -2 for n- and p-MOS structures). In addition, the deposited SiO 2 on n- and p-SiC exhibited a high charge-to-breakdown of 70.0 and 54.9Ccm-2, respectively. The n/p-MOS structures with the deposited SiO2 maintained a high charge-tobreakdown of 19.9/15.1Ccm -2 even at 200 °C. The deposited SiO2 annealed in N2O has promise as the gate insulator for n- and p-channel 4HSiC(0001) MOS devices because of its high charge-to-breakdown and good interface properties.en670530Reliability of nitrided gate oxides for N- and P-type 4H-SiC(0001) metal-oxide-semiconductor devicesjournal article