Jünemann, R.R.Jünemann2022-03-022022-03-021988https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/175250The development of logistics in Germany has taken place in several stages. The characteristic of logistics is that of a complete system; it is an integrater and user of synergy effects. Here a key role is played by the information function which nowadays must be regarded as the most important production factor for logistics. Logistics in Germany is becoming the means of integrating CIM concepts. It is the backbone that is able to link insular solutions. The state of logistics is in a decisive position at the present time. Logistic methods leading to overall optimisation strategy are replacing the insular partial optimisation approach and are breaking up obsolete structures such as Taylor's subdivision of labour. In this phase of the reorganisation and a new orientation of logistic systems, human creativity is the driving force; man decides the speed at which this process is achieved. (ITW)enEntwicklungGeschichteintegrationLogistikStandWeiterbildung658The state of logistics in Germanyjournal article