Müller, Bernhard2022-03-132022-03-132016https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/391345Purpose of the Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference is an intellectual exchange between researchers, enterprises and users of Additive Manufacturing technologies in order to gather the latest information about trends, progress, importance and the future potential of these technologies for industrial applications. The range of topics covers Product Development (incl. simulation, co-design, mass customization), Technologies (incl. bio-printing, hybrid processes, novel developments/visionary concepts, process chains for industrial production), Materials (incl. ceramics, bio-materials, multi-material approaches), Quality (incl. process/ part quality management) as well as further innovative and visionary approaches not fitting the range of topics above. Renowned international keynote speakers give insight into the latest trends and challenges in additive manufacturing in a variety of industry sectors, including biomedical, aerospace and automotive.enProduktionstechnikMaschinenbauWerkstoffGenerative Fertigungadditive manufacturing3D-DruckMaschinenbauingenieurKonstrukteurProduktionstechnikerWerkstoffwissenschaftlerFertigungstechnikerProduktentwicklerDesigner6206703rd Fraunhofer Direct Digital Manufacturing Conference, DDMC 2016. Proceedingsconference proceeding