Haustein, T.T.HausteinEichinger, J.J.EichingerZirwas, W.W.ZirwasSchulz, E.E.SchulzForck, A.A.ForckGäbler, H.H.GäblerJungnickel, V.V.JungnickelWahls, S.S.WahlsJuchems, C.C.JuchemsLuhn, F.F.Luhn2022-03-102022-03-102007 this paper the authors report on the system design and a real-time implementation of a MIMO-OFDM radio transmission system close to physical layer parameters as discussed in standardization for 3GPP-Long-Term-Evolution. The authors describe the implementation concept and first results on over-the-air transmission with a single user set-up occupying 20 MHz bandwidth and achieving more than 150 Mbit/s gross data rate in the 2x2 MIMO down-link and more than 50 Mbit/s in the single transmit antenna up-link. The demonstration system was only recently shown to the public at various trade shows like ITU in Hongkong and 3GSM in Barcelona. Entnommen aus <a_href="" target="_blank">TEMA</a>enbeweglicher ZellularfunkZellularnetzEchtzeitkommunikationEchtzeitsystemFrequenzmultiplexStandardisierungBandbreite=FrequenzBitrateGlobal-System for Mobile Communication (GSM)621MIMO-OFDM for a cellular deployment - concepts, real-time implementation and measurements towards 3GPP-LTEMIMO-OFDM für den Mobilfunkeinsatz - Konzepte, Echtzeit-Implementierung und Messungen für 3GPP-LTEconference paper