Under CopyrightForster, JacobJacobForsterTsutskiridze, GiorgiGiorgiTsutskiridzeKohlhauer, ReinhardReinhardKohlhauerHuyeng, JonasJonasHuyengHerr, CorneliusCorneliusHerrBasler, FelixFelixBaslerNeuhaus, Dirk HolgerDirk HolgerNeuhausHeinrich, MartinMartinHeinrichRendler, Li CarlosLi CarlosRendler2023-11-302023-11-302023Note-ID: 00007AD2https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/457382https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-222410.4229/EUPVSEC2023/4DO.5.210.24406/publica-2224Photovoltaic Noise Barriers (PVNB) serve as suitable example for Integrated Photovoltaics, as they make use of existing area of infrastructure to create a secondary function of energy generation. Since this secondary function must cohere with the requirements of the primary function of noise protection and additional fulfill mechanical requirements, PV integration into noise barriers is a field of development for special solutions depending on different use cases. Within the project "PVwins", we developed in collaboration with industry partners five different solutions to be build up for testing and monitoring at the end of the project. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of their use case, working principle, impact on acoustical properties, estimated power generation per meter length, and achievable energy yield per meter length. In addition to presenting measurements and simulations, we showcase prototypes. The solutions range from simple street-averted vertical integration of standard modules, to a construction method involving the mounting of standard modules on top of noise barriers. We also developed customized modules with a unique layout incorporating acoustic absorbers between PV strings. For optimal functionality in terms of acoustics and photovoltaics, small-width custom modules are mounted on triangular acoustic absorbers in the cassette solution. Lastly, we introduce an innovative R&D solution featuring a transparent microperforated absorber that offers sound absorption capabilities and enables the full area integration of bifacial modules.enIntegrated PhotovoltaicModule DesignPhotovoltaic Noise BarriersRoad Infrastructure PhotovoltaicSector couplingPhotovoltaic Noise Barriers as Energy Generating Infrastructure: Functional Overview about Five Solutionsconference paper