Krause, F.-L.F.-L.KrauseMertins, K.K.MertinsEdler, A.A.EdlerHeisig, P.P.HeisigHoffmann, I.I.HoffmannHelmke, M.M.Helmke2022-03-032022-03-032001 chapter provides an overview of the computer-integrated technologies supporting product development processes in a wider sense and the current situation of knowledge management. It includes three main sections. Section 2 discusses the design techniques affected by computer-aided technologies and the corresponding tools. Section 3 gives a general introduction of concepts of computer integrated technologies. Therefore, also basic technologies and organizational approaches are described. Section 4 explains possible architectures for software tools that support product development processes. Section 5 finally gives a wide overview of the application and development of knowledge management.enCAxComputer Aided Design (CAD)knowledge management670Computer integrated technologies and knowledge managementbook article