Baselt, TobiasTobiasBaseltTaudt, ChristopherChristopherTaudtNelsen, BryanBryanNelsenLasagni, Andrés-FabiánAndrés-FabiánLasagniHartmann, PeterPeterHartmann2022-03-132022-03-132016 use of supercontinuum light sources in different optical measurement methods, like microscopy or optical coherence tomography, has increased significantly compared to classical wideband light sources. The development of various optical measurement techniques benefits from the high brightness and bandwidth, as well as the spatial coherence of these sources. For some applications, only a portion of the broad spectral range can be used. Therefore, an increase of the spectral power density in limited spectral regions would provide a clear advantage over spectral filtering. This study describes a method to increase the spectral power density of supercontinuum sources by amplifying the excitation wavelength inside a nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (PCF). An ytterbium doped photonic crystal fiber was manufactured by a sol-gel process and used in a fiber amplifier setup as the nonlinear fiber medium. In order to characterize the fiber's optimum operational characteristics, group-velocity dispersion (GVD) measurements were performed on the fiber during the amplification process. For this purpose, a notch-pass mirror was used to launch the radiation of a stabilized laser diode at 976 nm into the fiber sample for pumping. The performance of the fiber was compared with a conventional PCF. Finally, the system as a whole was characterized in reference to common solid state-laser-based photonic supercontinuum light sources. An improvement of the power density up to 7.2 times was observed between 1100 nm to 1380 nm wavelengths.enlight sourcenanosecond pulsessupercontinuumytterbium doped photonic crystal fiberExperimental study of supercontinuum generation in an amplifier based on an Yb3+ doped nonlinear photonic crystal fiberconference paper