Hupp, J.J.HuppMeyer, S.S.Meyer2022-03-112022-03-112009 intelligence is not only limited to rooms and buildings. In the future whole cities will become intelligent environments with people networking with each other, dating, finding interesting places (e.g. restaurants, museums, meeting places), using public transportation or dealing with traffic and parking problems. In such a city, millions of inhabitants interact with each other and benefit from information other people or sensors provide. It feels just like a village where somebody always helps finding a restaurant, bar or theatre, were the citizen's choices, moves and opinions influence urban planning and public intervention. Such a city and its applications can be realized by combining two major trends in mobile computing: Ambient Intelligence and Web 2.0. In this workshop we will be looking icy technologies present and upcoming, that can make Wiki-City real: Technologies interconnecting people, places, events, opinions and digital online content.en621Scientific Workshop 6: When ambient intelligence meets web 2.0: Wiki-city - a city interacts with its citizensconference paper