Trost, M.M.TrostSchröder, S.S.SchröderFeigl, T.T.FeiglDuparre, A.A.DuparreTünnermann, A.A.Tünnermann2022-03-042022-03-042011 resulting from interface imperfections critically affects the image contrast and optical throughput of multilayer coatings for 13:5 nm. To investigate the scattering mechanisms, at-wavelength scattering measurements in combination with atomic force microscopy are analyzed for an in-depth characterization of the roughness properties. The different impacts of substrate finish and intrinsic thin film roughness on the scattering distribution are separated and analyzed in detail. Furthermore, a novel approach to characterize the roughness of large extreme ultraviolet substrates is presented, based on light scattering measurements at 442 nm.en620535Influence of the substrate finish and thin film roughness on the optical performance of Mo/Si multilayersjournal article