Seelmann-Eggebert, M.M.Seelmann-Eggebert2022-03-032022-03-031992 contribution of photoemission to the understanding of electronic, chemical, and structural properties of HgCdTe is reviewed. Angle integrated and angle resolved techniques of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy are discussed and their potential for characterizing the surface region of processed compound semiconductor materials is explored with respect to depth compositional profiling and with respect to assessing the crystalline surface structure. Each technique is exemplified by an experimental application to HgCdTe.enelectro-chemical reaction on HgCdTeelektrochemische Reaktion von HgCdTeTiefenprofil mit XPSXPDXPS depth profiling621667533Photoemission spectroscopic techniques to assess physical and chemical properties of mercury cadmium telluride.Photoemissionsspektroskopische Methoden zur Charakterisierung von physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von HgCdTejournal article