Kretzschmar, C.C.KretzschmarOtschik, P.P.OtschikSchoene, F.F.SchoeneJaenicke-Rößler, K.K.Jaenicke-Rößler2022-03-092022-03-091995 nitride (AlN) represents, because of excellent physical and chemical properties, a real alternative to other substrate materials such as alumina and beryllia. Commercially available resistor pastes for alumina bubble on AlN during the firing process and so from nonfunctional layers. The paper introduces a resistor system with a compatible conductor paste and a glass encapsulant. The resistor system is based on ruthenium dioxide (RuO2) with a "non-reducible" glass by AlN. Because RuO2 reacts with AlN we had to find a powder composition allowing gaseous product to escape the layer. A high stability can be achieved by an encapsulation.enAlNDickschichtGlasGlasspalladiumreliabilityRuO2Silbersilverthick filmsZuverlässigkeit666620A novel resistor system for AlNEin neues Widerstandssystem für AlNconference paper