Kirchhof, JanJanKirchhofKrieg, FabianFabianKriegRömer, FlorianFlorianRömerIhlow, AlexanderAlexanderIhlowOsman, AhmadAhmadOsmanGaldo, Giovanni delGiovanni delGaldo2022-03-132022-03-132017 this paper we propose a method to improve the detection of shadowed flaws in ultrasonic non-destructive testing (NDT). The Bscans are expressed in the context of Sparse Signal Recovery (SSR), where the shadowing effect is incorporated during the reconstruction: Whenever a new defect is found, its shadow on all other dictionary atoms is determined and the dictionary is updated accordingly. We develop models for determining the affected dictionary entries as well as for the intensity of the attenuation due to the shadow. Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP), we demonstrate that the proposed method significantly improves the reconstruction amplitudes, i.e., the detection reliability, compared to conventional detection without incorporation of shadowing.enultrasoundnon-destructive testingSparse Signal Recovery (SSR)621620658670006Sparse signal recovery for ultrasonic detection and reconstruction of shadowed flawsconference paper