Krohns, S.S.KrohnsLunkenheimer, P.P.LunkenheimerMeissner, S.S.MeissnerReller, A.A.RellerGleich, B.B.GleichRathgeber, A.A.RathgeberGaugler, T.T.GauglerBuhl, H.U.H.U.BuhlSinclair, D.C.D.C.SinclairLoidl, A.A.Loidl2022-03-042022-03-042011 the efforts of physicists, materials scientists, economists and resource-strategy researchers opens up an interdisciplinary route enabling the substitution of rare elements by more abundant ones, serving as a guideline for the development of novel materials.en004005006620The route to resource-efficient novel materialsjournal article