Menrad, K.K.MenradGabriel, A.A.GabrielBez, J.J.BezGylling, M.M.GyllingLarsen, A.A.LarsenMaciejczak, M.M.MaciejczakStolze, M.M.StolzeGryson, N.N.GrysonEeckhout, M.M.EeckhoutPensel, N.N.PenselRocha dos Santos, R.R.Rocha dos SantosMesséan, A.A.Messéan2022-03-042022-03-042012 intention of this document is to identify and quantify the costs and benefits of traceability and co-existence systems for GM food and feed from the seed level to the final product at the retail stage. Our analysis includes several countries and supply chains that respect the 0.9% threshold for labelling of GM food. The production and processing stages of eligible crops like wheat, sugar, rapeseed, soy, and maize, along with complex final food and feed products like frozen pizza, chocolate, and compound feed are analyzed with respect to cost structures arising from the organization of co-existence and segregation measures between GM and non-GM supply chains. The multi-country analysis of several supply chains with partly differing final products allows a comparison of the economic and technical impacts of co-existence on the different stakeholders along the supply chains.en664Costs of segregation and traceability between GM and non-GM supply chains of single crop and compound food/feed productsbook article