Müller, BenjaminBenjaminMüllerLindner, AndreasAndreasLindnerNorrefeldt, VictorVictorNorrefeldtSong, YuYuSongMansfield, NeilNeilMansfieldVink, PeterPeterVink2023-01-192023-01-192022https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/434035On Nov. 3rd 2021 two subject test round flights were conducted on a turboprop airplane (ATR 72) with measurement equipment to assess the noise, CO2-concentration, cabin pressure, relative humidity, temperature and stratification in a close to fully booked cabin. The flights took off at Rotterdam, flew a round over the North Sea and landed in Rotterdam again. Additionally, the flight mission of the aircraft back to its base in Lübeck was accompanied. This paper presents the transient measurements of cabin noise and cabin indoor climate. Such dates serves for future benchmarking of the research and development conducted on the new generation regional aircraft within the Clean Sky 2 project.encabin climatecabin noiseturboprob aircraftregional aircraftMeasurement of noise and indoor climate on board a turboprop airplane flightconference paper