Grupp, H.H.Grupp2022-03-082022-03-081993 purpose of this paper is to define basic properties and trends and expose any cyclic characteristics in the development of science-based technologies. A second tacid purpose was to access possible new R&D management tools for strategic coporate planning and science policy in the realm of science-based innovation. In conclusion, the description of the knowledge transfer between science and technology and within technology seems to be quite complex so that the definition of simple quantitative procedures is not possible. Nevertheless, a network of indicators, which are based partly on sample patents, partly on the respective references, can be established, giving an interesting insight into the interface processes. Present and future roles of basic research and technology genesis in an ever more competitive world are not treated explicitly in this paper. But by understanding a bit more of the basic dynamics of science-based innovation, it is hoped to prevent R&D policy makers from cr eating specific technology policy measures contrary to expectations and principle considerations. In many countries new arguments for an assessment of the impact of increased government spending on basic and fundamental science as opposed to industrial technology development are under scrutiny. But obviously this dichotomy is not so meaningful as the political debaters assume. Now and in the future science-based innovation continues to need both science and innovation. To industrial research managers the search for particularly science-dependent sub-areas among all entrepreneurial business areas is much more important than in the arena of R&D policy. For the firm, it is becoming increasingly true that links to science need to be fully exploited.enbibliometricscluster analysisClusteranalysecognitive cartographyindustrial researchIndustrieforschunginnovation researchInnovationsforschungpatent analysisPatentanalyseWissenschaftsabhängigkeit303600Dynamics of science-based innovation in Northern America, Japan and Western Europeconference paper