Salman, AmmarAmmarSalmanHans, Franziska AlinaFranziska AlinaHansEichner, StefanStefanEichner2023-11-172023-11-172023Note-ID: 00008A46 stability studies are vital for wind plants as they ensure the reliable and secure integration of wind power into the electrical grid. By assessing grid stability, fault ride-through capability, power quality and the compliance with grid codes, stability studies help to optimize system planning and wind plant performance while contributing to the overall stability and efficiency of the power system. Following a short introduction of the technical guidelines for grid integration of power gen-erating units and their simulation models, this paper explains the control structure and functionality of a simulation model for a central controller that was developed as a Grid Control System. The considered wind plant system consists of five individual sub wind farms and is feeding into the transmission grid. Results of several test scenarios are presented to demonstrate the integration between the central controller model and the farm models. In Conclusion, the adjustment of specific control parameters was investigated to exemplify possible controller optimizations.enTechnical guidelineSimulation modelWind plant controlPower system stabilityDynamic Grid Study of Onshore Wind Plants Depending on Validated Technical Guideline TG4 Modelspresentation