Fernandez, Mario RubenMario RubenFernandezEttrich, NormanNormanEttrichDelescluse, MatthiasMatthiasDelescluseRabaute, AlainAlainRabauteKeuper, JanisJanisKeuper2023-05-232023-05-232023https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/44208810.3997/2214-4609.202332066An important step in seismic data processing to improve inversion and interpretation is multiples attenuation. Radon-based algorithms are often used for discriminating primaries and multiples. Recently, deep learning (DL), based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has shown promising results in demultiple that could mitigate the challenges of Radon-based methods. In this work, we investigate new different strategies to train a CNN for multiples removal based on different loss functions. We propose combined primaries and multiples labels in the loss for training a CNN to predict primaries, multiples, or both simultaneously. We evaluate the performance of the CNNs trained with the different strategies on 400 clean and noisy synthetic data, considering 3 metrics. We found that training a CNN to predict the multiples and then subtracting them from the input image is the most effective strategy for demultiple. Furthermore, including the primaries labels as a constraint during the training of multiples prediction improves the results. Finally, we test the strategies on a field dataset. The CNNs trained with different strategies report competitive results on real data compared with Radon demultiple. As a result, effectively trained CNN models can potentially replace Radon-based demultiple in existing workflows.enDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und MathematikDeep Learning Strategies for Seismic Demultipleconference paper