Tabassi, ElhamElhamTabassiOlsen, MartinMartinOlsenBausinger, OliverOliverBausingerBusch, ChristophChristophBuschFiglarz, AndrewAndrewFiglarzFiumara, GregoryGregoryFiumaraHenniger, OlafOlafHennigerMerkle, JohannesJohannesMerkleRuhland, TimoTimoRuhlandSchiel, ChristopherChristopherSchielSchwaiger, MichaelMichaelSchwaiger2022-03-082022-03-082021 Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ 2) is open source software that links image quality of optical and ink 500 pixel per inch fingerprints to operational recognition performance. This allows quality values to be tightly defined and then numerically calibrated, which in turn allows for the standardization needed to support a worldwide deployment of fingerprint sensors with universally interpretable image qualities. NFIQ 2 quality features are formally standardized as part of ISO/IEC 29794-4 and serve as the reference implementation of the standard.enLead Topic- Smart CityResearch Line- Human computer interaction (HCI)Research Line- Machine Learning (ML)BiometricsFingerprint recognitionQuality metricsCRISPATHENE006NFIQ 2 NIST Fingerprint Image Qualityreport