Strobl, ChristianChristianStroblKöpf, HendrikHendrikKöpfMehl, RichardRichardMehlOtt, LeopoldLeopoldOttKaiser, JulianJulianKaiserGosses, KilianKilianGossesSchäfer, MaximilianMaximilianSchäferRabenstein, RudolfRudolfRabenstein2023-01-022023-01-022018 system protection is needed for direct current microgrids in the low voltage range. Model-based analysis of transient events applying system identification and machine learning procedures provides additional knowledge on system topology and components. Using this information, refined model-based fault detection and discrimination methodologies can be set up in addition to the basic functionality of conventional protective devices. Consequential damage and grid sector breakdown can be avoided by fast and selective tripping of suitable switching devices.enSafety Concepts and Circuit Protection for LVDC-Grids in Datacenters and in Telecommunicationsconference paper