Machin, GrahamGrahamMachinAnhalt, KlausKlausAnhaltBattuello, MauroMauroBattuelloBourson, FrédéricFrédéricBoursonDekker, Paul R.Paul R.DekkerDiril, AhmetAhmetDirilEdler, FrankFrankEdlerElliott, Claire J.Claire J.ElliottGirard, FrédéricFrédéricGirardGreenen, A.A.GreenenKnazovická, LenkaLenkaKnazovickáLowe, Dave H.Dave H.LowePavlásek, P.P.PavlásekPearce, Jonathan V.Jonathan V.PearceSadli, MohamedMohamedSadliStrnad, RadekRadekStrnadSeifert, MarkoMarkoSeifertVuelban, Edgar M.Edgar M.Vuelban2022-03-052022-03-052016 temperature measurement in industry is subject to large uncertainties due to the non-ideal measurement conditions; for example unknown emissivity and window transmission for radiation thermometry, sensor contamination and ageing causing unpredictable drift in contact thermometry. This paper gives an overview of a European Metrology Research Programme (EMRP) project ""High Temperature Metrology for Industrial Applications"" (HiTeMS) whose objective was to address, on a broad front, a number of unsolved measurement challenges in the domain of high temperatures (above 1000 °C) both in non-contact and contact thermometry. It brought together a total of 15 partner organisations; National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) (10), industrial companies (4) and a Fraunhofer Institute. The project started in September 2011 and was completed August 2014. Significant progress has been made in all the temperature measurement challenges tackled.enhigh temperature measurementhigh temperature fixed points (HTFPs)industrial process controlradiation thermometrythermocouplesreference functions389The European project on high temperature measurement solutions in industry (HiTeMS) - a summary of achievementsjournal article