Kunze, H.D.H.D.KunzeHartwig, T.T.HartwigVeltl, G.G.Veltl2022-03-092022-03-091994https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/322601Highly porous materials are needed for a huge variety of applications in filters and bearings, catalysis and light weight constructions. In this review, future aspects for P/M technology to produce such highly porous parts are examined more closely with some examples. The demand of automotive and aircraft industry for light weight materials can be met by the development of hollow-sphere structures and metallic foams. New metal fibre production and processing technologies are needed, e.g. for hot gas resistant filters. Finally, (multi-)functional nanoporous structures can be made by using ultrafine metal powders. The combination of catalytic and filter effects create new perspectives for nano powder technologiesenbindermetal injection moldingMetallpulverspritzgußpowder metallurgyPulvermetallurgieSpritzgußTitantitanium620660671Highly porous materials and parts by P/M technologyHochporöse Materialien durch P/M-Verfahrenconference paper