Peter, M.M.PeterKiefer, R.R.KieferFuchs, F.F.FuchsHerres, N.N.HerresWinkler, K.K.WinklerBachem, K.H.K.H.BachemWagner, J.J.Wagner2022-03-032022-03-031999 report on the fabrication and characterization of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes with a staggered type II Ga(1-x) In(x)As/GaAs(1-y)Sb(y) superlattice (SL) as the active region. SLs were grown strain compensated on the InP substrate using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The LEDs show room-temperature electroluminescence up to 2.14 mu m, the index-guided diode lasers displayed cw laser emission at 1.71 mu m up to 300 K. The spontaneous emission spectrum was found to show a significant blueshift with increasing injection current density, resulting in shorter laser emission wavelengths for the diode laser than for the LED.enlaserLEDMOCVDMOVPEsuperlattice621667Light-emitting diodes and laser diodes based on a Ga(1-x)In(x)As/GaAs(1-y)Sb(y) type II superlattice on InP substrateLicht-emittierende Dioden (LED) und Laser-Dioden basierend auf Ga(1-x)In(x)As/GaAs(1-y)Sb(y) Type II Übergittern, abgeschieden auf InP-Substratenjournal article