Dix, B.B.DixBayer, R.R.BayerRoffael, E.E.RoffaelBaer, G.G.Baer2022-03-082022-03-082004https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/306522The description relates to a process for the production of medium-dense wood fibreboards, whereby wood fibres impregnated by binding agent are formed into fibre mats and pressed into boards at high temperature. The process is characterized by the fact that, in order to produce the fibres, the wood or the wood chips are broken down using the CTMP process and the fibres produced are passed to the next process without being washed.de608674Verfahren zur Herstellung von mitteldichten HolzfaserplattenProcess for the production of medium-density wooden fibreboardspatent1993-4327774