Martin, H.-P.H.-P.MartinAdler, J.J.Adler2022-03-032022-03-032005 electrical behavior of cellular materials is determinded by the type of ceramic material, the amount of pores / cells, the specific pore features, and the general cellular structure. The dielectric properties mainly depend on the volume fraction of pores and cells and the type of ceramic material. This causes exclusively a decrease in the dielectric constant in comparison to dense materials. Models of electric properties are related to models of other properties like Young's modulus or thermal conduction, which are based on more extensive work than those of electrical phenomena. Since the manufacture of cellular materials often differs from conventional ceramics the material properties have to be considered specifically for modeling. Honeycombs, foams, and biomimetic materials can be used for numerous specific applications which include electrical features. Some examples were given in this chapter.enPorositätzellulare Keramikelektrische Eigenschaft666620Electrical propertiesElektrische Eigenschaftenbook article