Fiebig, M.M.FiebigLottermoser, T.T.LottermoserFröhlich, D.D.FröhlichKallenbach, S.S.Kallenbach2022-03-032022-03-032004 interferometric imaging setup is described that allows us to map the spatial distribution of the phase of a second-harmonic (SH) wave by using multimode laser sources with achromatic beam imaging of the fundamental and SH waves. Working distances >1 m and a robust setup allow experiments that were not possible before.ensecond-harmonic imagingzweite Harmonische BildgebungnonlinearnichtlinearinterferometryInterferometriecoherenceKohärenztemporalzeitlichspatialräumlich621667535Phase-resolved second-harmonic imaging with nonideal laser sourcesPhasenaufgelöste Bildgebung mittels der optischen zweiten Harmonischen bei Verwendung nichtidealer Laserquellenjournal article