Li, DonghaiDonghaiLiShan, HangyongHangyongShanKnopf, HeikoHeikoKnopfWatanabe, KenjiKenjiWatanabeTaniguchi, TakashiTakashiTaniguchiQin, YingYingQinTongay, SefaattinSefaattinTongayEilenberger, FalkFalkEilenbergerHöfling, SvenSvenHöflingSchneider, ChristianChristianSchneiderBrixner, TobiasTobiasBrixner2024-03-212024-03-212023 confinement has been frequently engineered to control the flow and relaxation dynamics of exciton polaritons. While widely investigated in GaAs microcavities, excitonpolariton coupling between discretized polariton modes arising from spatially confined 2D crystals been has been less exhaustively studied. Here, we use coherent 2D photoluminescencedetected micro-spectroscopy to detect oscillating 2D peaks exclusively from a spatial trap in a microcavity with an embedded van-der-Waals heterostructure at room temperature. We observe a wide variation of oscillatory phases as a function of spectral position within the 2D spectrum, which suggests the existence of a coupling between the discretized polariton modes. The latter is accompanied by the generation of coherent phonons.enTrapping-induced quantum beats in a van-der-Waals heterostructure microcavity observed by two-dimensional micro-spectroscopyjournal article