Christoffers, N.N.ChristoffersLerch, R.G.R.G.LerchHosticka, B.J.B.J.HostickaKolnsberg, S.S.KolnsbergKokozinski, R.R.Kokozinski2022-03-102022-03-102005 circuits play an important role in the design of CMOS frequency synthesizers for modern wireless digital communication systems. They provide the building blocks for frequency dividers with input frequencies in the range of the desired carrier frequencies. In this communication we estimate the upper limit frequency as a function of the gate length using voltage swing considerations.encurrent-mode-logictechnology impactvoltage swinghigh frequencySpannungsschwankungHochfrequenzemittergekoppelte Logik621Performance estimate for high-speed CMOS-current-mode-logic circuits based on output voltage swing considerationsconference paper