Bendul, JuliaJuliaBendulVican, VictorVictorVicanHütt, Marc-ThorstenMarc-ThorstenHütt2022-03-142022-03-142020, methods applied in production planning may lead to production orders flowing across similar sequences of machines within similar periods of time. However, within such spatiotemporal neighbourhoods, interdependency effects among production orders may arise causing compounding delay among those production orders. We provide a heuristic for improving production plan methods, such that compounding delays as a result of interdependency effects can be mitigated. Through this heuristic we are able to improve the predictability of logistics performance indicators of production orders and hence improve the reliability of production order master data as a central input to production planning.enproduction planningpredictioninterdependencies670An Improved Production Planning Approach under the Consideration of Production Order Interdependenciesconference paper