Mittelsdorf, MarcoMarcoMittelsdorfGroß, ArneArneGroßSchumann, JörnJörnSchumannKohrs, RobertRobertKohrs2022-03-142022-03-142018 work presents a smart charging infrastructure for private households with the objective of maximising the self-consumption by controlled charging of the battery electric vehicles. Core of the system is a forecast based optimisation algorithm for calculating charging schedules. The whole system was successfully tested in a two-year field test under realistic conditions. The algorithm led to excellent results and self-consumption could be increased by controlled charging compared to uncontrolled charging. Nonetheless, limitations of controlled charging were identified. This work gives a detailed insight into the field test, discusses the results and points out solutions for the identified limitations.en621697Potential and limitation of controlled charging of electric vehicle for PV self-consumption maximisation in private householdsconference paper