Rockstroh, B.B.RockstrohKröning, M.M.KröningDobmann, G.G.DobmannKappes, W.W.KappesWalte, F.F.WalteKretzschmar, F.F.Kretzschmar2022-03-102022-03-102006 knows: technical components are designed to reliably guarantee a certain lifetime and the design rules have to consider every possible influence by mechanical static and/or cyclic loading as well as ageing processes like plastic deformation, fatigue, corrosion, thermal influences and their synergies. As far as the Transrapid is concerned it is also clear that practical experiences with ageing of components and infrastructure are not yet available with relevant statistical data coming our of a maintenance strategy supported by non-destructive testing (NDT). Experiences ar only based on destructive tests during the design phase.enTransrapid620658670Basis- and in-service-inspection of track and vehicle components of the transrapidconference paper