Under CopyrightBeinert, AndreasAndreasBeinertRomer, PascalPascalRomerHeinrich, MartinMartinHeinrichAktaa, JarirJarirAktaaNeuhaus, HolgerHolgerNeuhaus2023-03-162023-03-162022Note-ID: 00009612https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/437728https://doi.org/10.24406/publica-105510.4229/WCPEC-82022-3CO.5.110.24406/publica-1055We present a set of thermomechanical design rules to support and accelerate future PV module developments. The design rules are derived from a comprehensive parameter sensitivity study of different PV module layers and material properties by finite element method simulations. We develop a three-dimensional FEM model, which models the PV module geometry in detail from busbar and ribbons up to the frame including the adhesive. The FEM simulation covers soldering, lamination and mechanical load at various temperatures. The FEM model is validated by mechanical load tests on three 60-cell PV modules. Here, for the first time, stress within a solar cell is measured directly using stress sensors integrated in solar cells (SenSoCells®). The results show good accordance with the simulations. The parameter sensitivity study reveals that there are two critical interactions within a PV module: (1) Between ribbon and solar cell. (2) Between front/back cover and interconnected solar cells. Here, the encapsulant plays a crucial role in how the single layers interact with each other. Therefore, its mechanical properties are essential and four design rules are derived regarding the encapsulant. Also, four design rules concern front and back side and three address the solar cells. Finally, two design rules each deal with module size and frame, respectively. Altogether we derive a set of 15 thermomechanical design rules. As a rule of thumb of how well a bill of material will work from a thermomechanical point of view, we introduce the concept of specific thermal expansion stiffness as the product of Young’s modulus, coefficient of thermal expansion, joint area and materials height. The difference between two materials is a measure of how much thermal strain one material can induce in another. A strong difference means that the material with the larger value will induce thermal strain in the other.endesigndurabilityFEM simulationfinite element methodmodellingPV manufacturingPV modulereliabilityThermomechanical Design Rules for PV Modulesconference paper