Kost, ChristophChristophKostFriebertshäuser, C.C.FriebertshäuserHartmann, NiklasNiklasHartmannFluri, ThomasThomasFluriNitz, PeterPeterNitz2022-03-137.4.20172017https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/39598310.1063/1.4984574This paper analyses the role of solar technologies (CSP and PV) and their interaction in the South African electricity system by using a fundamental electricity system modelling (ENTIGRIS-SouthAfrica). The model is used to analyse the South African long-term electricity generation portfolio mix, optimized site selection and required transmission capacities until the year 2050. Hereby especially the location and grid integration of solar technology (PV and CSP) and wind power plants is analysed. This analysis is carried out by using detailed resource assessment of both technologies. A cluster approach is presented to reduce complexity by integrating the data in an optimization model.enThermische Anlagen und Gebäudetechnikenergy system modelingEnergiesystemtechnikEnergiesystemanalyse621697The role of CSP in the electricity system of South Africa - technical operation, grid constraints, market structure and economicsconference paper