Fratz, MarkusMarkusFratzBeckmann, TobiasTobiasBeckmannAnders, JoachimJoachimAndersBertz, AlexanderAlexanderBertzBayer, MarkusMarkusBayerGießler, ThomasThomasGießlerNemeth, ChristianChristianNemethCarl, DanielDanielCarl2022-03-062022-03-062019 describe the inline integration of the digital holographic sensor HoloTop in a precision turning plant. A fully automated part-handling system that fulfills the requirements for cycle time and stability was built and integrated into the production process. The inspection system has been running in multishift operation since 2015. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the results of one-year, long-term height measurements of 10 million parts under rough production conditions are presented to verify the suitability for industrial use.enDigital Holographic Imagingimage processinglaser beampolarization maintaining fiberSpeckle patternwhite light interferometry621535Inline application of digital holography [Invited]journal article