Moiso, CarlottaCarlottaMoisoWurster, SimoneSimoneWursterBlind, KnutKnutBlindIvarsson, DanielDanielIvarsson2024-03-212024-03-212024-03-212024 D examines the progress made by Eastern Partner countries regarding SMEs’ access to both domestic and foreign markets. The chapter starts by looking at policies and tools in place to allow SMEs better access to public procurement markets, focusing on the legal frameworks and the strategies developed to support SME participation. It then reviews recent improvements in standards and technical regulation, looking at overall co-ordination and general measures, level of harmonisation with EU acquis, SME access to standardisation, and digitalisation of standards and technical regulations. Finally, this chapter investigates efforts to boost SME internationalisation through support for export promotion, SME integration into GVCs, and the use of e-commerce, as well as through the adoption of trade facilitation measures. For each one of these three areas, a set of dedicated policy recommendations is provided to guide EaP countries in their strategic actions for the forthcoming years.enPillar D - Access to Marketsbook article