Zarouchas, D.S.D.S.ZarouchasMakris, A.A.A.A.MakrisSayer, F.F.SayerHemelrijck, D. vanD. vanHemelrijckWingerde, A.M. vanA.M. vanWingerde2022-03-042022-03-042012 the present study prismatic composite I-beams, designed within the UpWind-project to examine the mechanical behavior of adhesive bond lines, are numerically and experimentally investigated. Different test set ups are used and the test results are compared. A Finite Element Model (FEM) is developed to predict and simulate the damage initiation and evolution using a progressive damage scenario. The FEM is used also as a tool to propose an alternative experimental set-up to avoid undesirable local effects. The results of the simulation are directly compared with the experimental observations coming from Digital Image Correlation Technique (DICT) and conventional techniques (Linear Variable Differential Transformers - LVDT and straingages). Finally a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the damage within the I-beam structure is performed, using results of the FEM.en620Investigations on the mechanical behavior of a wind rotor blade subcomponentjournal article