Samaniego, LeandroLeandroSamaniegoUhlenberg, EnricoEnricoUhlenbergKaufmann, ChristophChristophKaufmannEngels, MarahMarahEngelsPangalos, GeorgGeorgPangalosCateriano Yáñez, CarlosCarlosCateriano YáñezLichtenberg, GerwaldGerwaldLichtenberg2024-12-122024-12-122024-06-25 time-invariant (MTI) models are a mathematical framework to represent and analyze high-dimensional nonlinear systems. Tensor decomposition techniques are used to improve computational efficiency and reduce storage effort. Applications of large-scale multi-energy systems can benefit from novel methodologies, such as modeling power systems using semi-explicit and fully implicit differential-algebraic equations. The multilinear modeling framework is embedded in a new MTI-toolbox suitable for multi-energy networked systems. The modeling framework and MTI-toolbox is demonstrated by an interconnected medium-size power system network, comprised of small three bus subsystems.en600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte WissenschaftenAn Approach to Multi-Energy Network Modeling by Multilinear Modelsconference paper