Brand, AndréAndréBrandFiedler, JochenJochenFiedlerHalfmann, ThomasThomasHalfmannWeyh, ThorstenThorstenWeyh2022-03-142022-03-142021 the efficient, emission-free and low-noise transport of goods and commodities in urban areas, BPW has developed the electric drive "eTransport" for 7.5t light duty trucks. In order to be able to take the specific customer requirements in different application regions into account and to derive load profiles, measurement runs are carried out in the field. If you want to map the loads that actually occur in practice on the entire vehicle or individual vehicle components through measurement campaigns, a good knowledge of the expected loads on the vehicle is very important. Furthermore, it is of particular interest to vehicle manufacturers, such as BPW, to find a reference route near their development centers, on which design changes can be verified quickly and economically under real road conditions. Existing road networks are digitally recorded more and more precisely and in high resolution detail. This constantly increasing data basis allows it to describe the real conditions of roads even more precisely using statistical indicators [15]. The aim of this paper is to present the methods and results of a collaboration between BPW and Fraunhofer ITWM in this area. This paper addresses which German cities are as average or extraordinary as possible with regard to certain characteristics of their roads. The more unusual a city is, the more likely it is that statistical marginal effects can be collected there in a measurement run. Such a city is a suitable candidate for a measurement campaign to be carried out in real life - for example with regard to chassis loads. In other applications, such as consumption, a more average city may of interest.en003006519Statistical evaluation of geo-referenced indicators for the design of electric drivesconference paper