Under CopyrightEichhammer, WolfgangWolfgangEichhammerReuter, MatthiasMatthiasReuterWalz, RainerRainerWalzPatel, MartinMartinPatel2022-03-1318.7.20182018https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/40090110.24406/publica-fhg-400901In previous work we developed a comprehensive indicator set for measuring multiple benefits of energy efficiency (MB-EE). The aim is to complement the harmonised approach to energy efficiency indicators and policies which is realised through the ODYSSEE-MURE project (www.odyssee-mure.eu) with an indicator set measuring Multiple Benefits. We focus in this paper on indicators to characterise MB which are relevant for the energy efficiency industry at the macro-level and, hence, also the whole economy: MB indicators describing innovation and competitiveness triggered by EE (e.g. impacts related to innovative EE technologies and foreign trade with EE technologies).Turnover achieved through energy savings, which makes relevant contributions to the economic development of a country. Macro-economic impacts from EE, in particular impacts on economic growth and employment. We discuss the methodological approach to the indicator set, the underlying data sources and limitations. This indicator set is applied for EU28 countries or a subset of countries. Knowledge made available in new tools and projects, such as the ODYSSEE- MURE facility on multiple benefits should therefore be made easily accessible for the policy level and be used by policy makers when evaluating the impacts of energy efficiency policies.enmultiple benefitsenergy efficiency policyenergy efficiency indicatortop-down evaluation methodbottom-up analysis303600Measuring multiple benefits for energy efficiency in the industrial sectorconference paper