Grosche, P.P.GroscheMüller, M.M.MüllerKurth, F.F.Kurth2022-03-112022-03-112010 extraction of local tempo and beat information from audio recordings constitutes a challenging task, particularly for music that reveals significant tempo variations. Furthermore, the existence of various pulse levels such as measure, tactus, and tatum often makes the determination of absolute tempo problematic. In this paper, we present a robust mid-level representation that encodes local tempo information. Similar to the well-known concept of cyclic chroma features, where pitches differing by octaves are identified, we introduce the concept of cyclic tempograms, where tempi differing by a power of two are identified. Furthermore, we describe how to derive cyclic tempograms from music signals using two different methods for periodicity analysis and finally sketch some applications to tempo-based audio segmentation.en004Cyclic tempogram - A mid-level tempo representation for musicsignalsconference paper