Baldan, MarcoMarcoBaldanLudl, Patrick OttoPatrick OttoLudlSüss, PhilippPhilippSüssSchack, DominikDominikSchackSchmidt, RobinRobinSchmidtBortz, MichaelMichaelBortz2023-07-042023-07-042023 data sets are ubiquitous in chemical process engineering. We introduce a real-time interactive navigation framework that provides several capabilities to the decision maker (DM). Once a surrogate model is trained the DM can perform what-if analyses in both input and output spaces by manipulating sliders. An approximated convex hull spanned in the input space supports both a reliable surrogate prediction and a navigation close to the data set. The framework has been tested on data sets obtained with a flowsheet simulator modeling a real steam methane reforming process.enDecision makingFlowsheetNavigationOptimizationSurrogate modelDDC::500 Naturwissenschaften und MathematikReal‐Time Interactive Navigation on Input‐Output Data Sets in Chemical Processesjournal article